Sat april 20 - sun april 21


Come celebrate Salem’s incredible beer and cider scene with a weekend of supporting our city’s local makers and purveyors of alcoholic beverages, hosted and organized by the breweries (/cidery/distillery) themselves! In the true words of Al, “Thank you for supporting all us gnarly folks doing all these gnarly things in this wicked weird little witch city.”


Over the course of the weekend (April 20 - 21st), one full pour from any of the four crawl stops— East Regiment, Notch, Couch Dog, and Far From The Tree — equals one stamp on your passport. Four stamps = a prize. A very cool commemorative pint glass to be exact!

And as a bonus stop, swing by Deacon Giles Distillery for an official crawl + spirits sticker and complete your craft alcohol bingo card!

We’ll also have various live music and food events over the course of the weekend — stay tuned here!

Help us out with an RSVP

We’ve never done this before! If you have a minute to help us estimate how many prizes we need, it would be much appreciated.